Survey shows high levels of student satisfaction at MIU
This year’s annual student satisfaction survey showed high levels of satisfaction with both academics and extracurricular features of the university.
“It was very nice to see that the features that make MIU unique in higher education — the block system, Transcendental Meditation, and Consciousness-based education — were what the students found most satisfying,” said Rod Eason, Vice-President of Enrollment and Student Affairs.
More than 700 students — both on campus and online — participated in the annual survey, the largest response by far in the years the survey has been administered.
“I was particularly pleased that so many students took the time to give honest feedback on their MIU experience,” Eason said. “While the survey data showed a high level of satisfaction overall, students also offered many thoughtful suggestions for improvement. This kind of constructive feedback is exactly what we were looking for and is a big help in our efforts at continuous improvement.”

MIU’s most attractive features

Along with detailed questions about the degree to which MIU met students expectations in different areas (shown in the five charts at the right), the survey asked several narrative-answer questions.

One of those was was, “What is the most attractive feature of MIU for you personally?”
One student responded, “Consciousness-based education and the value MIU places on ensuring students are improving their personal wellness and health alongside their higher education.”
Another wrote: “The sustainable living and regenerative organic agriculture programs were originally the big draw for me. I did not anticipate how much the practice of TM would change my life.”

“I absolutely love the block system,” commented another. “I can be a full-time student, receive federal loans, and still have time for a part-time job and my family.”
Another student replied, “I love the Ayurveda courses. My classmates are great, and teachers really care about me.”

On-campus students noted two areas for possible improvement: more variety in the menu offerings in the dining commons and a wider range of student activities.
The table below shows on-campus and online students’ responses to another set of global questions.
Area | Percentage responding “strongly agree or agree” |
Tuition paid is a worthwhile investment | 85% |
Requirements in my major are clear and reasonable | 85% |
Maharishi’s knowledge is incorporated into the curriculum in a meaningful and relevant way that enhances the discipline | 81% |
The faculty care about me as an individual | 83% |
The quality of instruction in most of my classes is excellent | 86% |
My instructors challenge me to do my best work | 86% |
The content of the courses within my major is valuable | 89% |
I feel welcome to be myself within the culture at MIU | 87% |
I’ve seen an improvement in my personal well-being at MIU | 88% |
Overall, I’m satisfied with my experience at MIU | 87% |
I’m planning on returning to MIU next semester | 88% |
I would recommend MIU to others | 84% |
Online students’ feedback
With MIU’s online student enrollment burgeoning, the survey results from that group were of special interest.
Online students were asked, “How satisfied are you with the following components of MIU’s online education?” This chart shows their responses:
Area | Percentage responding “strongly agree or agree” |
Opportunity for interaction with instructors & peers online | 77% |
Communication and instructor feedback on assignments | 81% |
Flexibility of the online learning format | 88% |
Accessibility to the learning materials (readings, videos) | 88% |
Support services (tech support, personal counseling) | 73% |
Free virtual TM retreats for online students | 74% |
A narrative question directed to online students was, “What do you like most about your online education program?”
“That I’m surprisingly able to form close bonds with fellow students,” one student said.
“The flexibility to be a mom and a business owner and be in school full-time,” another wrote.
“How much my professors cared for me!” wrote another. “I had many personal challenges going on in the meantime, and my professors and TAs did everything they could to help me succeed.”
Wrote another: “The sense of community I felt. I almost felt as though I was there in person and fully integrated into this group of warm and welcoming people who were truly and sincerely devoted to each other’s success and wellbeing.”
Thank you to Rod Eason for his help with this story.