Nineteen large new trees take root on campus

Did you notice that the campus became a little greener last November? That’s when the campus became the new home for nineteen large new trees.

The trees were planted in groups in two locations:

Just north of Crow Creek near the sidewalk leading to the bridge, a small forest of a dozen trees — a tall red maple, brilliant in the fall, standing with eight white pines, two concolor firs, and a large red cedar.

And just north of the Golden Dome Market, at the corner of Granville and Zimmerman, a stand or small grove of seven trees, including blue spruce, Norway spruce, white pines, and a bald cypress.

These beautiful trees are thanks to the vision and foresight of a donor who has taken campus beautification under her wing. “I think all the new trees will fill in what I always perceived to be ‘visual holes’ in the landscape of the university,” she said.

Besides providing beauty and wildlife habitats, trees reduce wind velocities and can greatly reduce soil erosion.

About our new trees

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Photographs by Craig Pearson.