Krista Noble, PhD, excels in the field of consciousness and human potential
Krista Noble’s PhD in Maharishi Vedic Science has launched her into a career as an author, professor, and public speaker specializing in Maharishi Vedic Science.

She has taught graduate courses at MIU, the Holmes Institute (Colorado), and the University of Philosophical Research (Los Angeles). She has lectured at Loyola Marymount University (Los Angeles) and Stetson University (Florida).
And she has participated in many international academic conferences, delivering talks on Vedic knowledge at the World Association for Vedic Studies (WAVES) conference (where she holds a lifetime membership), the Science & Scientist conference, and the Science of Consciousness conference.

She has spoken at three Nerd Nite events, a monthly gathering held in more than a hundred cities. In Orlando, her topic was “Why the Heck Are We Conscious?” She gave a similar talk at a Nerd Nite event in Los Angeles. At another Nerd Nite event in Orlando, she spoke on “The Top 5 Misconceptions About Yoga & Meditation.”
And she’s been featured on several podcasts. On the “Entangled” podcast, she spoke on “Materialist vs. Vedic Cosmologies & Seven States of Consciousness.”

Altogether she has given approximately 90 presentations on consciousness and human potential at a variety of educational organizations.
Dr. Noble has published articles and poetry in thirteen national magazines and literary journals, including New Age Journal.
As a recent milestone, she has secured a prominent literary agent who will represent her first nonfiction book, an exploration of Vedic knowledge.
Academic training
She is a second-generation MIU graduate. Her parents are both MIU grads who met at the university and later married. Her father, Paul Noble ’81 is a Transcendental Meditation teacher, and her mother, Michelle Noble (formerly Morley) ’80, is a Sidha.
Krista learned the TM technique at age ten and began studying Maharishi’s Science of Being and Art of Living and his translation and commentary on the Bhagavad-Gita with her father around this time. “I always found these books fascinating and inspiring” — so much so that they eventually propelled her towards graduate study of Vedic knowledge at MIU.
“My time at MIU was deeply enriching,” she says. “I loved how the university emphasized the meeting point between the knowledge gained in class and the experiences cultivated through TM practice.”
She earned a master’s degree in Maharishi Vedic Science in 2013 and a PhD in the same field in 2018. She received the Veda Vyasa Award, given to the PhD graduate with the most outstanding doctoral research. Her research focused on contrasting the physicalist (materialist) paradigm with the Consciousness-Based paradigm of Maharishi Vedic Science.

“My time at MIU was deeply enriching,” she says. “I loved how the university emphasized the meeting point between the knowledge gained in class and the experiences cultivated through Transcendental Meditation practice. I also made wonderful connections with other MIU students and professors.”
She acknowledges the role of her meditation practice in her personal growth. “I have found the TM technique and the TM-Sidhi program to be incredibly powerful tools for developing consciousness,” she says. “They have made me a more joyful and centered person.”
Visit Krista’s website at https://www.kristanoble.com, where you can subscribe to email updates, book her as a speaker, and watch her recorded talks.
This story comes from the MIU Alumni Office. Subscribe to the alumni newsletter and visit MIU Connections to stay up to date with MIU Alumni News.