Dustin Matos: Marketing entrepreneur

MIU alum Dustin Matos ’14 owns and operates his own digital marketing company, Psynthesis Creative, managing marketing for over 30 clients and with several contractors working for him. 

Dustin credits his entrepreneurial start to the late Gurdy Leete, who taught web design. “I don’t think I would be on the path I am now without Gurdy,” Dustin says.

It was Gurdy Leete who introduced him to his first client.

“No teacher at any previous school had ever encouraged me and believed in my professional abilities enough to give me my start in the design world,” Dustin says. “There are many special teachers at MIU, and they’re special because of how much they care about their students.”

Dustin lives a busy life. Beyond Psynthesis Creative, he is the marketing director for the software company Conest Software Systems and produces progressive rock music under the moniker The Amnesia Cycle

How does he balance everything? 

“At MIU I learned more about my deep inner self than I thought possible, and those lessons have made me a much more complete and well-balanced person in my life,” he says. “I don’t think I would have gained those experiences elsewhere.”

Dustin (middle) with MIU friends in Fairfield, 2012

Dustin first learned about MIU from his cousin, Samantha Thomas, who had attended MIU and graduated in 2011. Samantha, coincidentally, also works as a marketing director. 

“MIU was described as a safe place that could help me to become healthier and learn without stress,” Dustin says. “That sounded very attractive to me. In my time at MIU, I formed great connections and friendships, I committed to my career in design and marketing, and I did in fact heal in ways. The combination of Transcendental Meditation, taking one course at a time, and the community were so conducive to me developing healthier habits and building a career I enjoy.”

Dustin’s younger brother Greg would later join him at MIU. Greg studied in the Cinema Arts and New Media program (then called Media and Communications).

Dustin with his mother Adrianne and brother Greg

“My time at MIU was one of the best times in his life,” Dustin says. “I really enjoyed connecting with people who I could relate to — people with a growth mindset who were seeking deeper meaning. MIU students tend to be bright, positive, open-minded, forward-thinking, and supportive. It’s a nice combo.”  

“Pathways” by The Amnesia Cycle, Dustin’s music project

After graduating, Dustin moved back to New Jersey where he reconnected with his high school sweetheart, Kristina. After dating for a few years, they recently got married and now live in eastern Pennsylvania with their dog Brooklyn.  

Check out Dustin’s websites: Psynthesis Creative and The Amnesia Cycle.

This article comes from the MIU Alumni Office. Subscribe to the alumni newsletter and visit MIU Connections to stay up to date with MIU Alumni News.